Welcome to the Dutch government's National Data Portal: data.overheid.nl. On this portal you will find all data made available by the Dutch government.
Facts and figures
Over 150 government organisations have published data on data.overheid.nl.
Nearly all datasets are updated every night.
The DCAT standard is used as a metadata standard to exchange data.
Datasets are published through CKAN.
The data portal is maintained by the Knowledge and Exploitation Center for Official Publications (KOOP) on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
Data.overheid.nl is a register and offers help with opening and reusing government data. More information about the policy in the Netherlands regarding open data can be found here. (in Dutch)
Data.overheid.nl assists government organisations in opening all available data. We also support data re-users in finding specific data sets. Data that is not (yet) available as open data can be made available through a data request.
Data portal
The data.overheid.nl team is responsible for implementing part of the open government policy: making available data sets findable and providing support to government organisations with opening data. The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations strives to keep the quality of the data sets optimal. To ensure quality is guaranteed, the following requirements and principles have been drawn up. The requirements that each dataset description must meet:
For a dataset, at least all mandatory fields of the DCAT profile have been correctly filled in;
A dataset includes at least one distribution with working links or a web service link;
The data owner of a dataset is current and known at data.overheid.nl.
Licene information is always clear, "license unknown" may only be used temporarily.
The "more information" link is present and working (no 404 or irrelevant information).
The Data format of the distribution(s) corresponds to the specified link to the source of the data.
The interpretation of the roles of data owner, provider and catalog management correspond to the current situation
Each data set must at least meet the above requirements. Regular checks or reports from (re-)users may show that a data set does not meet the minimum requirements. In this case, the following procedure takes effect:
Data.overheid.nl contacts the data owner or provider;
If the dataset information does not meet the requirements after 21 working days after this contact, the dataset will be unpublished; the dataset can no longer be found on data.overheid.nl.
As soon as the dataset meets the requirements, the dataset will be published again.
The datasets published on data.overheid.nl are supplied by external parties. The exact content of the dataset is not known to us. The open data team is not liable for errors in the data sets on data.overheid.nl. The team always tries to keep the quality of the data set 100%, but can never guarantee this.
General support
Unsure of what you need exactly? But you do have a question about open data? Contact the data.overheid.nl team through one of the channels below:
The photos displayed on the homepage and landing pages of data.overheid.nl, derive from the National Government Media Library:
Homepage: The photographer of this picture is Bas Kijzers. There are various cut-outs of the photo on data.overheid.nl.
Support: A CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license applies to this photo. The photographer is Vincent van den Hoogen and the title of the photo is "Loket Stadsdeelkantoor". There are various cut-outs of the photo on data.overheid.nl.
Support: The owner of this photo is the Council for the Judiciary. There are various cut-outs of the photo on data.overheid.nl.
Current: The copyright on this photo rests with photographer Ossip van Duivenbode. There are various cut-outs of the photo on data.overheid.nl.
Meetings: The photographer of this photo is Marcel Vogel. There are various cut-outs of the photo on data.overheid.nl.
Events: The photographer of this photo is Tineke Dijkstra. There are various cut-outs of the photo on data.overheid.nl.
Community: A CC-0 license applies to this photo. The photographer is Najib Nafid. There are various cut-outs of the photo on data.overheid.nl.
Migratieketen: The photographer of this photo is Bart Maas. There are various cut-outs of the photo on data.overheid.nl.