Searching for Data

Assistance in searching for data offers data users support in finding government data. The portal assists in opening data that are not yet available, in making data findable, and supports in finding contacts within the government in terms of data. If you need assistance with data use or search, please submit a data request. It is also possible to give feedback on the already available datasets.

Search for a dataset from the government is the National data portal of the Dutch government. All datasets published by the government should be on Searching for a dataset works just like in Google: enter a keyword in the search box on the homepage and the search results will be displayed. offers a possibility to filter the search results, for example by data owner or theme. It is also possible browse through the available datasets. To do this, press the search button without entering a keyword. Or choose a theme from the theme list on the homepage.

Didn't find the data you need?

It is possible the data you are looking for is not available or has not yet been made available. It is also possible that the data is available, but cannot be found based on your keywords or search filters. For support with searching data that you cannot find, please submit a data request. A data request is an informal request to the team to provide support in finding specific data.

Quality of information about datasets

The information about datasets is dynamic. Links to data sources can change, new data is added, or the information about the data can deviate from the actual situation. The team, in cooperation with the data owners, tries to offer the best quality possible of the information about the data.

Quality indicators

The indicators measured by

  1. Quality of links: we measure this through a link checker. The number of working links has to be above 95%. Data owners are asked to adjust datasets with non-working links. If this does not happen, the dataset will be removed from
  2. Requirements and principles: at least full completion of the required DCAT fields and the delivery of a working link or web service link.

If you have any questions about searching, finding or using open data, you can contact