'Open, unless' is the government's view when it comes to government information. The government is increasingly actively publishing information. Open data is appropriate for a government that performs its tasks transparently. This requires a change in mentality, but more openness can also be created simply by doing it. On this page you will find some tips & tricks on how to deal with open data.
The most important laws regarding open government and transparency are the following:
The Government Information (Public Access) Act ('Wet openbaarheid van bestuur' / Wob)
The Reuse of Government Information Act ('Wet hergebruik overheidsinformatie' / Who)
The private member's bill/proposal on the Open Government Act (proposal is under discussion in the Senate) ('Initiatiefwetsvoorstel Wet open overheid (voorstel ligt ter behandeling in de Eerste Kamer)' / Woo)
Policy on data
In 2019, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations published the Government Data Agenda ('Data Agenda Overheid') on behalf of the cabinet. This agenda follows the National Open Data Agenda. The Government Data Agenda is an intergovernmental agenda that sets out what the government will do to better deal with personal data, open data and big data. The agenda describes how data can better benefit policy-making and the solution of social issues by the government.
The sections below explain more about open government and how it came about.
Vision Open Government
The 'Vision Open Government' and the accompanying 'Open Government Partnership' (OGP) action plan have been sent to the Lower House by Minister Plasterk of the Interior and Kingdom Relations on behalf of the cabinet.
The vision describes various developments around the theme of open government and also the relevance of open government. The demand for openness is a broad, global movement that has been going on for some time, including in our society. This development affects the role and working method of the government and affects legal agreements and information based principles. An open government can contribute to solutions for social issues, is a core value of the democratic constitutional state, responds to a changing society and has economic value. As far as the cabinet is concerned, promoting an open government means more transparency about government activities, and a government that is open to initiatives from society, is accountable and uses innovative technology.
OGP (Open Government Partnership)
In 2011, the Netherlands joined the OGP, a worldwide partnership with the aim of open government. The action plan, which was drawn up after extensive consultation with society, is part of the OGP agreements. The government is also implementing the Voortman motion, which was unanimously adopted by the Lower House at the end of 2012. The Netherlands will present the plans at the end of October, during an international conference on open government. The vision also contains the government's response to the advice of the Council for Public Administration 'You will make public'. More about the OGP: www.opengovpartnership.org