What is Open Data?

Guidelines & Principles of open data

What is open data exactly and how is it applied in the Netherlands? These eight principles define the framework for proactively making the government's open data available.

1. Assessment framework for public access

Data from a government organisation is proactively made available as open data, if no grounds for exceptions or restrictions under the "Wet openbaarheid van bestuur (Wob)" (Government Information (Public Access) Act) or special disclosure regulations apply. When making open data available, an assessment must be made as to whether reuse poses risks to fundamental values and privacy.

2. Open data are free

Government organisations do not charge for making open data available.

3. Open data are free of third party rights

Open data is protected from rights of third parties by release with a CC-0 statement. If the indication of the source of the data is important for a government organisation, open data can be released with a CC-BY statement. Read more about this on the page about licenses.

4. Open data can be accessed without registration

Open data are accessible without any form of registration of the (potential) user's (personal) data.

5. Open data can be processed by computers

Open data is presented in a way that allows further processing by a computer. Preferably, open data is made available in an open standard format. Read more about this on the page about data formats.

6. Open data are provided with metadata

Open data is provided with metadata in accordance with the DCAT-AP standard.

7. Open data is as complete and as raw as possible

Data is made available by a government organisation in a form suitable for reuse. In terms of quality and topicality, open data is as equal as possible to the data used within the public organisation and is made available "as-is" as much as possible. Data can be processed to comply with the assessment framework for public access, as long as this processing is not in violation of competition law ("mededingingswet").

8. Open data can be easily found

Government organisations make their open data accessible by providing a reference to the open data they have made available on data.overheid.nl.

Read more on open data

Want to read more about open data? Read the articles, reports and websites below (in Dutch) or view our news page.









< 2014

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