Wat heb je zelf gedaan?
- Wat is je probleem om data te vinden?:
- Data is er maar voldoet niet
- Welke data is wel beschikbaar?:
- Registration dates are available but they do not seem to be precise. In the dataset currently available online, 42% of the registration dates in 2010 are set at 1/1/2010. This seems an inputation rather than the real registration date.
Moreover, we did not find a de-registration date.
- Waarom is deze data niet geschikt/voldoende?:
- Having precise information on registration and de-registration dates is key for our research, as we would like to compute the daycare availability over 1999-2023, which is the period of our analysis.
- Wat heb je zelf al gedaan om de data te vinden?:
- We did a thorough search online and we did downloaded this dataset https://data.overheid.nl/dataset/gegevens-kinderopvanglocaties-lrk#panel-resources.