- Title:
- Historic form (with registration and de-registration dates) of Landelijk Register Kinderopvang en Peuterspeelzalen
- Requested data:
- Gegevens kinderopvanglocaties LRK
From 1999 until today.
- Requested period:
- 01/01/1999 - 00:00 till 12/31/2023 - 00:00
- Usage:
- Together with 3 colleagues (3 of us working at Tilburg University and one at Standford) we are conducting a research project on the effect of childbirth on self-entrepreneurship. We would like to study whether the availability of childcare facilities mitigates the so-called child penalties that we find.
- Impact:
- For our project, we are using administrative data from CBS, which is subject to strict privacy agreements. We will treat the information on childcare facilities similarly.