- Titel:
- Question on Deaths registered weekly, by sex and age
- Aangevraagde data:
- We are currently working in an excess mortality project related to the Covid-19 emergency moment we are now and besides other countries we are using Dutch weekly data on deaths, that is, the Deaths registered weekly, by sex and age.
I have a couples questions regarding to this data:
- Does this dataset refer to the week of the death event (death occurrence date) or to the death register day?
- How are weeks assembled? Beginning on Mondays/Sundays/another day?
- Regarding to the number of days that are include the first and last of the year, I assume that they just include the ones on the year, even if that is less than 7 days. Is that correct?
- what is the population that are counted in these statistics: just resident population, anyone dying in the Netherland regardless of him/her being resident (i.e. visitors from other countries?