The 30 year average values for the climate variables for the first day and length in days of episodes that meet certain conditions. Ordered by climate variable.
Data eigenaar:
Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (Rijk)
This is the INSPIRE Existing Land Use data set of the Netherlands. It is based on the topographical map of the Netherlands (BRT) and aerial photo's of summer of 2017.
A gridded 50-member ensemble of precipitation forecasts that are created using a tree-based machine learning method, quantile regression forests, and inputs from the deterministic Harmonie-Arome (HA) ...
Data eigenaar:
Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (Rijk)
This table presents climate data from the Dutch weather station De Bilt (source: KNMI).
The average winter and summer temperatures, which started in 1800, are the longest current series shown in the t...
Climate indices were interpolated from observations and transformed time series at automatic weather stations and precipitation stations in the Netherlands for the period 1991-2020 and for the KNMI'23...
Data eigenaar:
Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (Rijk)