Beschrijving: Locaties van kademuren
Bron: BGT gemeente Den Haag
Doel registratie: Maken van de BGT
Kwaliteit: Standaard BGT kwaliteit
Coördinatenstelsel: RDnew....
Sales development and share in manufacturing industry (SIC 15 - 37) for
the Netherlands and other countries
1997 - 2005; QI 1997 - QIV 2005; January 1997 - February 2006
Changed on May 09 2006.
Changes, indices, shares, value of consumption of households and actual
individual consumption of households by type of goods and services;
1995 – 2004, QI 1995 – QIII 2005, Jan. 1995 – Sep. 2005
Volume changes in % compared to the same period of the previous year
Volume index figures, base year 2000 = 100
1995 - 2010, QI 1995 - QIV 2010, January 1995 - February 2011
Changed on November 16 201...