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Dataverzoek doen
The Cloud Physical Properties (CPP) algorithm is being developed at KNMI to derive cloud, precipitation and radiation products from satellite instruments such as SEVIRI onboard the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite. The CPP algorithm development is largely done inside EUMETSAT's Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF), but also in other research projects. The CPP cloud top height is derived from the Nowcasting SAF (NWC SAF) cloud top temperature and height (CTTH) product.
Bestemmingspagina: https://msgcpp.knmi.nl/data-access.html
Gegevens van de aanbieder
- Data eigenaar:
- Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (Rijk)
- Afdeling:
- Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- Publicerende organisatie:
- Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (Rijk)
- Toegang:
- Publiek
- Status van de dataset:
- Beschikbaar
Licentie en voorwaarden
Locatie en tijd
- Begin dekkingsperiode:
- 01-10-2024
- Eind dekkingsperiode:
- 31-12-9999
Vergelijkbare datasets
- Radiation - transformed daily global radiation, KNMI14, Netherlands
- Sunshine and radiation - sunshine and radiation at a 10 minute interval
- Radiation - unvalidated surface long and shortwave radiation, both in and outgoing at 10 minute interval at Cabauw
- Radiation - validated surface long and shortwave radiation, both in and outgoing at 10 minute interval at Cabauw
- Radiation - validated and gapfilled surface long and shortwave radiation, both in and outgoing at 10 minute interval at Cabauw
- Radiation - BSRN irradiance data at 1 minute interval at Cabauw
- Surface fluxes - unvalidated fluxes of heat, humidity, radiation, momentum and CO2 at 10 minute interval at Cabauw
- Surface fluxes - validated fluxes of heat, humidity, radiation, momentum and CO2 at 10 minute interval at Cabauw
- Surface fluxes - validated and gapfilled fluxes of heat, humidity, radiation, momentum and CO2 at 10 minute interval at Cabauw
- Clouds - cloud base heights and backscatter profiles from CHM15k ceilometers in the KNMI observation network, 12 second instrument data
Taal dataset
Taal van de metadata
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