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Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
Adressen en contactpersonen van overheidsorganisaties.
Status | Beschikbaar |
Data eigenaar | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |
Bijgewerkt | 14-03-2024 |
Licentie | |
Thema |
Toegang | Publiek |
Metadata | Download (XML/RDF) |
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Dataverzoek doenDit is een dataset die landelijk dekkend is. De data heeft betrekking op heel Nederland.
SluitenStatistics Netherlands calculates monthly the series New dwellings; input price indices building costs to monitor the costs of new dwellings (labour and materials) in the Netherlands. An input price index is determined on the basis of price changes of the various cost components making up the product - in this case a new dwelling. Changes in the prices of building equipment (tools and machinery), general costs, profit and risk are not included in the input price index. Other cost components, such as energy and transport, are also not taken into account as their influence on the final cost price is relatively modest. Land costs are also not included in the index.
Data available from: January 2008 t/m January 2018
Status of the figures: The figures for total building costs and the wages are definite until 2016. The figures of Building materials are definite until August 2017. The period the price indices remain provisional depends on the moment that the collectively negotiated (CAO) wage rates for the construction industry are definite. This period can vary from 4 to about 16 months after the period under review. Since this table has been stopped, the data is no longer made definitive.
Changes as of April 30, 2018: None, this table has been discontinued.
When will new figures be published? Not applicable anymore. This table is followed by the table New dwellings; input price indices building costs 2015=100. See section 3
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Dataverzoek doen
Total building costs, labour and materials Input Price Indices and changes compared to one year earlier
Total building costs, labour and materials Input Price Indices and changes compared to one year earlier
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