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Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
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Status | Beschikbaar |
Data eigenaar | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (Rijk) |
Bijgewerkt | 02-11-2024 |
Licentie | |
Thema |
Toegang | Publiek |
Metadata | Download (XML/RDF) |
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Dataverzoek doenDutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA) project - LES-time series at locations in Dutch offshore wind parks. Dissemination of high-resolution (time: 10mins; space: 64x64m) information for Dutch OWFZs (offshore wind farm zones) is a deliverable of the DOWA project. This dataset contains time series with 10 minute averaged wind speed, wind direction, air pressure, relative humidity and temperature from Whiffle's Large Eddie Simulation model GRASP using tendencies constructed from the ECMWF reanalysis ERA5. Wind parks have been included in the LES model for the periods they have been operational. The files with fs in the file name contain free-stream fields, i.e. without wind parks. The time series contain values at heights from 10 to ca. 600m. The attribute experiment in the NetCDF files indicates the wind park: Borssele (006), Hollandse Kust Noord (101) or Hollandse Kust Zuid (205).
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