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Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
Adressen en contactpersonen van overheidsorganisaties.
Status | Beschikbaar |
Data eigenaar | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |
Bijgewerkt | 12-11-2024 |
Licentie | |
Thema |
Toegang | Publiek |
Metadata | Download (XML/RDF) |
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Dataverzoek doenDit is een dataset die landelijk dekkend is. De data heeft betrekking op heel Nederland.
SluitenThis table contains data on the perceived state of health and on contacts with providers of medical care of the Dutch population from 0 years on in private households. These data can be grouped by several personal characteristics. For several topics a different age demarcation applies. The age boundaries are listed at the relevant topics.
Data available from: 2014
Status of the data: final.
Changes by November 12, 2024: The subject folder 'Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5), 12 plus' was added. There are two topics within this folder. Firstly, the new topic 'feelings of anxiety or depression, 4 wks'. Secondly, the topic 'psychological distress, past 4 weeks'. The latter topic could previously be found in this table under the name 'psychological distress (MHI-5<60), 12 plus'. Furthermore, the subfolder 'persons with GALI disabilities, 4 years or older' was added under the 'disabilities' folder. There are three topics in that subfolder. Firstly, the topic of 'GALI limitation'. This concerns the figures that could previously be found directly under the 'disabilities' folder under the name 'Persons with GALI disability, 4 or older'. Secondly, the new topic 'GALI disability, severe'. And thirdly, the new topic 'GALI disability, not severe'.
Changes by March 12, 2024: The year 2023 have been added.
When will new data be published? Data on reporting year 2024 will be published in the second quarter of 2025.
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Dataverzoek doen
Health, limitations, pain, health care Disorders, informal care
Health, limitations, pain, health care Disorders, informal care
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