High value datasets

What are high value datasets?

When a dataset 'high value' is, is determined by the degree of contribute the data to:

  • Transparancy
  • Legal duty
  • Cost Reduction
  • Target audience
  • Potential for reuse

For example

The G8 Open Data Charter has fourteen categories determined as 'high value'. This list give a indication of potential high value datasets and its helpful for data owners for opening the most relevant and useful datasets.

Companies      Company/business register 
Crime and Justice Crime statistics, safety 
Earth observation Meteorological/weather, agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting
Education List of schools; performance of schools, digital skills
Energy and Environment Pollution levels, energy consumption
Finance and contracts Transaction spend, contracts let, call for tender, future tenders, local budget, national budget (planned and spent)
Geospatial Topography, postcodes, national maps, local maps
Global Development Aid, food security, extractives, land
Government Accountability and Democracy Government contact points, election results, legislation and statutes, salaries (pay scales), hospitality/gifts
Health Prescription data, performance data
Science and Research Genome data, research and educational activity, experiment results
Statistics National Statistics, Census, infrastructure, wealth, skills
Social mobility and welfare Housing, health insurance and unemployment benefits
Transport and Infrastructure Public transport timetables, access points broadband penetration

*Bron: europendataportal

High Value?

On data.overheid.nl high value datasets are marked and searchable. We have high value datasets when its defined in:

  • The data is marked by the data-inventory through a department as high value
  • The data is included in the municipal high value data list.
  • The data is included in the provincial high value data list.

When assembling the national high value data lists the lists below are our inspiration: