Government organizations in the Netherlands publish a lot of available open data. These data are free available for re-use. Together in a pilot with our statistics office (CBS) and Cadastre we saw that users are using a few datasets as a reference to use other data from the government. With reference is often meant as a reference to a source that gives more information about a particular situation or statement. Reference data are generally usually with few mutations and can consist of values or statuses.
Within the government there are datasets which are essential for promoting the use of data from the government. These datasets form so-called 'anchor points' for the use of data. These datasets we called them reference data. So for example: list with population numbers, indices from the CBS, real estate dashboard from Cadastre or data with al the government organizations from the publication office (KOOP). Reference data are marked on this portal. De user of data could be better support in the use of data. A stimulus for re-use is the aim.