
National Accounts 2009; Output, consumption, income

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State Available
Data owner Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk)
Updated 03/14/2024 - 00:00
License CC-BY (4.0)
  • Economy
Publicity level Public
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Dit is een dataset die landelijk dekkend is. De data heeft betrekking op heel Nederland.


This publication provides data on the macroeconomic production process. For the different industries and institutional units (sectors), data on production, intermediate consumption and value added as well as the components of value added are presented.

The subjects of this publication correspond with the titles of the tables in the chapter Output, consumption and generation of income of the printed publication National accounts of the Netherlands. The industries are classified according to the Dutch Standard Industrial Classification (SBI 1993). The institutional sectors are classified according to the European System of Accounts (ESA 1995).

For a number of subjects (transactions) the industry figures does not equal the macroeconomic total because certain parts of transactions cannot be allocated to a specific industry. The following transactions cannot be attributed to individual industries: - goods and services n.e.c. (not elsewhere counted) - imputed value added tax (VAT) - difference imputed and paid VAT - taxes on imports (excluding VAT) - import subsidies Transactions not allocated to a specific industry are given under the heading: not by industries.

This table has been discontinued. Data are available from: 1969 up and until 2009

Reason discontinuation: The national accounts have adapted the new classification of economic activities, NACE Rev. 2. Furthermore, tables have been restructured to improve their clarity.

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JSON CC-BY (4.0)

Output, intermediate consumption, gross value added By industries and sector


ATOM CC-BY (4.0)

Output, intermediate consumption, gross value added By industries and sector