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Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
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State | Available |
Data owner | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |
Updated | 03/14/2024 - 00:00 |
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Publicity level | Public |
Metadata | Download (XML/RDF) |
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CloseThis table provides an international overview of indicators for innovation. It emphasises figures on innovative enterprises. Besides, the table shows patent applications and turnover of new or significantly improved products. Finally, data on types of non-technological innovation are presented. High scores on the mentioned indicators for innovative entrepreneurship indicate a good investment climate.
Note: Comparable definitions are used to compare the figures presented internationally. The definitions sometimes differ from definitions used by Statistics Netherlands. The figures in this table could differ from Dutch figures presented elsewhere on the website of Statistics Netherlands.
Data available from: 1990 up to 2008.
Status of the figures: The external sources of these data frequently supply adjusted figures on preceding periods. These adjusted data are not mentioned as such in the table.
Changes as of 1 March 2018: This table has been discontinued.
When will new figures be published? No longer applicable.
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Innovative enterprises, patent applications, turnover of new or improved products and employment in high-tech sectors broken down by region
Innovative enterprises, patent applications, turnover of new or improved products and employment in high-tech sectors broken down by region
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