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Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
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State | Available |
Data owner | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |
Updated | 07/24/2024 - 00:00 |
License | CC-BY (4.0) |
Thema |
Publicity level | Public |
Metadata | Download (XML/RDF) |
You can do a datarequest to request a specific dataset.
Make a data requestDit is een dataset die landelijk dekkend is. De data heeft betrekking op heel Nederland.
CloseThis table contains figures on the emissions in the Netherlands by stationary sources. These are actual emissions in or above Dutch territory. The calculation of emissions by stationary sources is among other data sources based on specifications in the annual emission reports of separate enterprises and additional estimates based on production and energy data provided by Statistics Netherlands. According to the activity classification (SIC 2008) the coke factory of Tata Steel belongs to the energy sector. In this table it’s emissions are assigned to the category manufacture of iron and steel.
Data available from 1990 to 2021.
Changes as of 29 February 2024: None, this table has been discontinued.
When will new figures be published? Not applicable anymore. This table is succeeded by Emissions to air on Dutch territory; totals. See paragraph 3.
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Air polluting substances and greenhouse gases Refineries, electricity and gas supply, industry, private households
Air polluting substances and greenhouse gases Refineries, electricity and gas supply, industry, private households
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