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Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
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State | Available |
Data owner | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |
Updated | 12/10/2024 - 00:00 |
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Publicity level | Public |
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CloseThis table shows how health(care) expenditure according to the international definition and health and social care expenditure used by Statistics Netherlands are related. Financing has been chosen as the starting point. Healthcare is delineated according to the international definition of the System of Health Accounts. All healthcare activities count, regardless of whether they take place inside or outside the healthcare sector. Only resident health expenditure counts. Health and social care expenditure covers all care activities, including welfare and childcare, regardless of whether these activities take place as a main or secondary activity. Care can be for residents or non-residents. Care provided in the Netherlands for non-residents (such as tourists) is included in the export of services.
In brief: Health and social care expenditure -/- health-related expenditure, such as domestic care within care for the elderly -/- expenditure on other care and welfare, such as childcare -/- expenditure on education, research and development, other services -/- export, foreign-paid activities = Total current expenditure on health
Data available from 1998 to 2022
Status of the figures: The figures for 2021 and 2022 are revised provisional. The figures for the other years are final. Since this table has been discontinued, provisional data will not become final.
Changes as of 10 December 2024: This table has been discontinued. The name of the topic 'Care expenditure' has been changed to 'Health and social care expenditure'.
When will new figures be published? Not applicable anymore. The table has been discontinued and superseded by table 'Health expenditure: national and international figures compared; providers' (see paragraph 3). The new table contains revised data. New sources and statistical techniques have been incorporated in the revised figures.
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Health and social care expenditure, national and international Health functions, health care providers
Health and social care expenditure, national and international Health functions, health care providers
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