- Status:
- Afgehandeld
- Explanation status:
- The data owner has the following answer to your data request on UWV Beroepenkaart-data:
Helaas kunnen wij niet aan dit verzoek voldoen. De data die wij op dit moment beschikbaar stellen is het maximaal haalbare en hebben we dus al volledig ter beschikking gesteld op weekbasis.
Unfortunately we are unable to comply with this request. The data that we currently make available is the maximum achievable, and we have already made it fully available on a weekly basis.
- Number datarequest:
- 2285
- Completed result:
- Data niet beschikbaar
- Requested date:
- 09/14/2020 - 00:00
- Source datarequest:
- Formulier
- Published:
- Yes