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Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
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I wonder whether is is possible to extract employment data at the regional level (NUTS 2 or 3) for different economic activities (SIC)? Preferably at a 3 digit industry level.
Bijgewerkt: | 14-07-2022 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |
I was wondering if, next to the Postcode level data regarding population you also make available the shape files that correspond to each postcode area so that the data can be used in GIS.
Bijgewerkt: | 14-07-2022 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |
I need some information regarding social assistance in the Netherlands, and in particular regarding total expenditures and number of beneficiaries of the minimum income scheme (Participatiewet) in re...
Bijgewerkt: | 14-07-2022 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |
I am looking for freely avalable datasets for a project and I wonder if it is possible to get open access LoD 2 datasets (3d-gebouw model) from the netherlands. Is it possible to get these Lod 2 data ...
Bijgewerkt: | 14-07-2022 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Publieke Dienstverlening op de Kaart |
I am conducting a comparative housing study in which I would like to include an analysis of housing outcomes in the Netherlands. To this end, I would like to gain access to the Netherlands Housing Sur...
Bijgewerkt: | 14-07-2022 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (Rijk) |
As master student at the University of Amsterdam I try to model the traffic flow in Amsterdam. As work remains the main purpose for transportation I wonder if you have data on: (1) Working places spat...
Bijgewerkt: | 14-07-2022 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |
You may know that we are continuously updating our database and I realized that the life table for the Netherlands we last published is from 2015. I have been looking for newer life tables in the Dutc...
Bijgewerkt: | 14-07-2022 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |
Dear Sir/Madam, my name is Ludovica Cuttini, I am a MSc student in Financial Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. I am currently researching as part of my thesis the effect of private equity...
Bijgewerkt: | 13-08-2024 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Good afternoon, I am currently taking a minor in Geo-information at VU Amsterdam and have joined the ( for an internship as part of a researc...
Bijgewerkt: | 06-12-2022 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Rijkswaterstaat (Rijk) |
The shift in society from industrial towards a society where innovation, knowledge and creativity are the pillars of the economy has among others led to abandoned industrial sites. Government organisa...
Data eigenaar: | Groningen (Gemeente) |
Bijgewerkt: | 29-04-2024 |
Thema: |