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Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
Zoals vergunningen, bouwplannen en lokale regelgeving
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I'd like to know if this data is available by motorway stretch and for daily volumes, in particularly for A12, A15 and A20. Thanks!
Bijgewerkt: | 23-08-2022 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |
Thank you for your past help. In 2016, I accessed 2015 data from the Dutch Housing Survey. For my research, I now need to access 2012 data. I went back to the links that you provided to me last fal...
Bijgewerkt: | 14-07-2022 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (Rijk) |
Dear Sir or Madam, I am looking for data on electoral turnout at the level of municipality for all the national elections that took place in the Netherlands between 2000 and 2024. Many thanks, Chiara
Bijgewerkt: | 21-10-2024 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Kiesraad (Rijk) |
My thesis involves data from the CBS 100. As of now, I've been able to download the 2014 version. May I ask if there's any earlier version available? Thank you very much.
Bijgewerkt: | 14-07-2022 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |
I am looking for access to iTree Eco data from Gemeente Utrecht. Or just generally more detailed data on trees in Utrecht (Griftpark), including tree diameter and canopy/crown size. Estimates on these...
Bijgewerkt: | 22-08-2023 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Utrecht (Utr) |
Hello! I am trying to find plenary and committee debates for the following reforms and am having trouble find them. Could you possibly help? Noodwet Ouderdomvoorziening (1946) Algemene Ouderdomswet (...
Bijgewerkt: | 17-04-2023 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal |
Personen met een pgb; aantal zorgverleners, zorgzwaartepakket (from 2007-2015). How many people have received Wmo's care services, how many have used AWBZ's, and the following ZVW's? What expenditure ...
Bijgewerkt: | 17-03-2021 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |
Hi. I am looking for information on how much the Netherlands exports of products that relate to electric vehicles and the energy transition. Do you publish export data showing the amount of EV charge...
Bijgewerkt: | 17-05-2023 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
I am looking for data on the effects of the ban of provision-based financial consultation. The letter from the Ministry of Finance to the Speaker of the House (Date: 24.01.2018; Dossiernummer: 32545) ...
Bijgewerkt: | 24-10-2023 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Ministerie van Financiën (Rijk) |
looking for data on public-owned enterprises/enterprises in the government sector versus private companies in the Netherlands. May I ask you for help to find this information? Unfortunately, I am not ...
Bijgewerkt: | 17-03-2021 |
Thema: |
Status: | Afgehandeld |
Data eigenaar: | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Rijk) |